The landscape of software development is undergoing a significant transformation with the advent of advanced AI-powered agents. These sophisticated entities, driven by cutting-edge models like Large Language Models, necessitate a departure from traditional development practices. This blog post delves into the stages of this new development life cycle and underscores the importance of safety and security in crafting dependable AI agents.

Transitioning from Conventional to AI Agent Development

Historically, software development has relied on a stable, rule-based, and deterministic process known as the software development life cycle (SDLC). However, AI agents, which operate on goal-oriented and non-deterministic principles, challenge many of these established norms. Unlike traditional software, AI agents communicate through natural language, generate varying outputs from identical inputs, and incur substantial costs for model inference, presenting unique challenges.

Core Stages in the new Development Lifecycle

1. Design: Defining Goals and Safety Measures

AI agents utilize the reasoning abilities of LLMs to address problems innovatively. The design phase involves employing a declarative programming approach to specify both the objectives and the constraints for agents. By delineating clear and deterministic boundaries, developers can ensure that agents operate within acceptable parameters, even while demonstrating adaptive and creative problem-solving capabilities.

Security Consideration:

Establishing explicit safety and security measures is critical to prevent severe failures. These measures help maintain control over the agent's actions, ensuring that essential business logic is adhered to accurately and consistently.

2. Deployment: Fixed App Versions

During deployment, AI agents are packaged with all necessary dependencies, including model versions, knowledge repositories, and prompts, into fixed versions. This method is akin to the concept of infrastructure as code, facilitating robust version control and enabling rollbacks to previous states if issues occur.

Security Consideration:

Fixed agent versions enhance security by ensuring that each release is a complete, immutable package. This minimizes the risk of unauthorized modifications and allows for precise tracking and auditing of agent behavior over time.

3. Evaluation: Ongoing, Structured Human & Machine Feedback

Ongoing evaluation is crucial for AI agents, involving continuous assessment and feedback. Experts and models review agent performance by auditing interactions and providing feedback, which is then used to refine and enhance the agent's behavior.

Security Consideration:

Continuous testing and feedback ensures that AI agents comply with business rules and deliver safe and secure responses. It also helps identify and rectify threats and gaps swiftly, reducing the risk of abusive or harmful outputs.

4. Validation: Regression Testing for Interactions

Validation involves creating regression tests from reviewed interactions. These tests simulate conversations to verify that updates do not introduce new errors or regressions. This stage is essential for maintaining the reliability of the agent over time.

Security Consideration:

Comprehensive regression testing guards against unintended consequences of model updates or prompt adjustments. It ensures that agents remain dependable and secure, even as they evolve.

Prioritizing Safety and Security in AI Agent Development

Developing trustworthy AI agents requires a robust focus on safety and security at every stage of the development life cycle. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Establish Clear Safety Measures: Set explicit boundaries for agent behavior to prevent undesirable actions.
  • Utilize Fixed Versions: Package agent releases with all dependencies to ensure consistency and enable rollback capabilities.
  • Integrate Continuous Feedback: Regularly assess agent interactions to identify and correct issues.
  • Perform Rigorous Testing: Develop comprehensive stress-tests to validate agent behavior and improve resiliency.


The development of AI agents necessitates a shift from traditional software methodologies, embracing a new life cycle that requires safety and security by design. With Pillar, teams can create robust AI agents that are not only capable but also reliable and secure. As AI technology continues to advance, these practices will be vital in leveraging its potential while minimizing associated risks.

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