Pillar for AI Usage

Empower employees with AI tools while protecting your company from Shadow AI, data breaches, and regulatory compliance risks

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Integrate with existing workflows and apps to provide visibility into how AI is used, enabling informed decision-making and ensuring compliance with internal policies and external regulations.


Implement and enforce granular safety and security policies for AI usage, allowing sanctioned tools, protecting sensitive customer and company data, and maintaining control over AI activities.

Controlled AI Usage

Govern AI Application Usage and Protect Sensitive Data

Continuously monitor, audit, and secure interactions with AI tools, enabling safe and productive use of AI across your organization.


Implement Governance and Auditability

Comprehensive AI Oversight

Gain complete visibility into your organization's AI landscape with our advanced monitoring system. Track and analyze AI tool usage across departments, identifying who uses what tools and for which purposes, ensuring transparent and accountable AI adoption.

Detailed analytics and reporting

Transform raw data into actionable insights with our powerful analytics engine. Leverage customizable dashboards to visualize key AI usage metrics, enabling data-driven decisions and supporting thorough audits of your AI initiatives.

Real-time compliance checks

Stay ahead of regulatory challenges with our real-time compliance monitoring. Our system continuously checks AI activities against your internal policies and external regulations, instantly alerting you to any violations and allowing for rapid remediation to minimize risks.

Seamless integration

Enhance your existing security infrastructure without disruption. Our solution integrates smoothly with your current security tools and SIEM systems, providing a holistic approach to AI security that complements your established workflows.

Pillar security platform

Create and Enforce Granular Policies

Granular access control

Tailor AI access with precision, defining policies based on roles, departments, or projects. This granular approach ensures employees only use AI applications relevant to their work, minimizing data exposure risks while maintaining operational efficiency.

Data protection guardrails

Shield your sensitive information from unauthorized AI tools with intelligent filters. Our proactive system automatically detects and blocks attempts to input confidential data into non-approved AI applications, safeguarding your intellectual property and customer information.

AI Usage Allowlisting

Maintain control over AI usage by curating a list of approved applications while blocking unsanctioned alternatives. This approach automatically prevents the use of potentially risky or non-compliant AI services, effectively reducing shadow IT concerns.

AI Risk Standardization

Stay ahead of AI-related risks with actionable insights and tailored recommendations. Our solution helps you protect your data across all used AI applications and address emerging AI regulatory compliance requirements with out-of-the-box enforcement guardrails.

Pillar security platform