How will AI change the future of the workforce and what are the security implications? Here's a possible scenario:

Meet Joan, a former real estate agent from the midwest.
She recently landed a junior role in a large tech enterprise, operating a trained LLM-based app that monitors their Security Operations Center (SOC).
Traditionally, this role would need a seasoned security analyst. Because trained models now incorporate expert knowledge, Joan does not need extensive experience to use this technology.

This represents a significant shift in our work paradigm - AI becomes the expert, and employees like Joan manage and supervise its operations.
Since cybersecurity job shortages are extreme and continuing to grow (3.5m in 2023!), many enterprises will have to hire juniors like Joan. This approach is more cost-effective and requires less training.

However, we must not overlook the security implications. As we empower inexperienced operators like Joan, we must ensure security is integral to the model. In unforeseen security or safety events, there should be adequate visibility and control to understand and resolve the issues. And if there is, how can we bridge the knowledge gap and ensure operators understand the model behavior and the implication of its actions?

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